What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

September Targeted Devotional Prayers

Find your peace this fall with our September targeted prayers.


When You look at us, there is nothing in Your heart but joy, delight and love. You have peace about where we are in life because You know how You will walk with us every step of the way. Every day we start from a place of being absolutely and completely accepted as Your Beloved. 

This acceptance has nothing to do with performance but is a relational gift from You, acquired by Your sacrifice for us. 

You empower us for victory with Your wrap-around Presence. We love Your gentle voice. Continue to increase our hearing because it releases such peace in our lives and opens the door for us to be still and know You are God. May Your gentle voice soak all the dry places with Your love.


What if, part of the point of crisis-events, difficulties and demonic attack, is for those things to take us to a place where we would live so far above the enemy, we would no longer be subject to him, but he would be subject to us?


In his epistle, the Apostle James tells us in chapter four, verse seven, that when we are under some type of opposition, our first step must always be to step away from everything in the external realm and turn our heart towards God. James says: submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. 


If we choose to ‘react’ without turning towards the spirit first, we will react out of our soul and emotions, out of the ‘how-is-this-affecting-me place’, and we will manifest a fruit of our emotions: anger, anxiety, worry, fear and stress, and we will find ourselves frustrated. If we choose to submit to God, and enter into that Psalm 91 secret, safe place, the enemy cannot find us, because we live so far above any place he could find, and then we end up frustrating him. He ends up with anxiety, stress, fear and worry. I’m ready to frustrate him for a change. 


We rejoice in You always. We cultivate a lifestyle of turning our heart towards You in all our life circumstances and declare that we trust You. We choose to engage with You from a place of rejoicing trust. 

You Lord are the One who goes before us. You are with us, You will not leave or forsake us, therefore we do not fear and we are not dismayed. In whatever we face, You have already gone before us and deposited what we will need. You work all things together for our good.

There is zero performance in being loved by You. You are the initiator and we have the joy of responding to Your great love for us.


You have given us Your gift of peace. It’s not a fragile peace of this world but a perfect peace. 

We will not yield to fear or be troubled in our hearts, but instead we will be courageous. We know without any doubt that when we walk with You, peace is one of the tangible signs of Your Presence. We will always have a deposit of peace in our lives because we have embraced You, our Prince of Peace who dwells inside of us. You empower us to live a life untroubled because Your powerful peace crushes anxiety and panic. 

We come to You with our weariness and burdens and You refresh us. You are our oasis and we find rest in You. Everything You have taught us is with the goal that Your peace will be in us and will give us great confidence as we rest in You.

Our Fountain of Hope Devotions: August 29- September 4, 2022

May the power of Holy Spirit continually surround our lives with His super abundance until we radiate with hope. You are our inspiration and fountain of hope. We invite You to fill us to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as we trust in You. We trust in You completely rather than in our own opinions. With all our heart we rely on You to guide us, knowing You will lead us in every decision we make. 

You rejoice over us with gladness and singing. You quiet us with Your love. We feel safe in Your lovingkindness. We rest in Your love for us and use that rest as a weapon against the enemy. Thank You for our come-alongside friend and helper the Holy Spirit who comforts, strengthens, encourages, trains and develops us. We lay aside our opinions and choose to relax and rest in Your promises. We are thankful for Your gracious provision in every situation we face. There is nothing that can separate us from Your love.