Benefits of Trusting in Him ~ January 27-February 02
Lord, May the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround our lives with His super abundance until we radiate with hope. You are our inspiration and fountain of hope. We invite you to fill us to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as we trust in you. We trust in you completely rather than in our own opinions. With all our heart we rely on You to guide us, knowing you will lead us in every decision we make.
Thank you for rejoicing over us with gladness and singing. For quieting us with your love. We feel safe in your lovingkindness. We rest in your love for us and use that rest as a weapon against the enemy.
Thank you for our come-alongside friend and helper the Holy Spirit who comforts, strengthens, encourages, trains and develops us. We lay aside our opinions and choose to relax and rest in Your promises.
We are thankful for your gracious provision in every situation we face. There is nothing that can separate us from your love. We are filled with gratitude.
Discovering Him ~ January 20-26
We declare that these are days of great joy and delight, because joy is the currency of heaven. We live under an open heaven, and when you live under an open heaven, well, you just have to be joyful about it!
We declare that new struggles are welcome, because we see them as opportunities to learn new things, to see new things, and above all to step into a brand new place of intimacy with you, Lord.
In this season we have found a new place in the Spirit set aside for us. It’s a new place of faith, hope and trust. It is a place of refreshing and renewing for us physically, mentally and emotionally.
We declare, In this season we are going to encounter hope in a fresh way. Hope is comfort and the expectation of something astonishing and occurring in our heart, and totally annihilating everything that opposes it.
We thank you for joy, delight, faith and hope! We bless you Lord, and we pray for all this for Jesus’ sake.
Humility ~ January 13-19
Lord, our desire is to trust you, to live surrendered and yielded to you, and to live a life of humility. We want to use every single one of our circumstances and situations to transform us, to make us more like you. Help us live in the power of authentic humility without the traces of pride.
Take each one of us to a place where your presence so overwhelms us that our circumstances would diminish in power, where the comfort of Holy Spirit would be so strong, so profound, that we could be lifted above those things that are robbing us of peace.
I pray that in our circumstances you transform us first. Transform our hearts. Bring upgrades in our rest and peace, and flood our hearts with your strength and your grace.
Compassionate God ~ January 6-12
Father, the Bible tells us that you are better than anyone could imagine, that you are always loving, always kind, and your faithfulness never ends.
Thank you for who you are in my life. I lift my hands and thank you Lord for your marvelous kindness, and your overwhelming, incredible love. I thank you for your Presence. I thank you for always being with me, encouraging, comforting and caring for me. I could never escape your goodness, kindness and love, because they are with me forever. I am so grateful and thankful.
Thank you, Lord. I love you.
He Is ~ December 30-January 05
Thank you Lord, for loving us so intentionally. No one loves us the way you love us. No one understands us the way you understand us. We love you and we bask in your love all the time.
Your thoughts towards us are thoughts of love, and they are more than all the sand on the seashore. We thank you that you are constantly thinking thoughts of love towards us. Our minds cannot wrap around that kind of love, but we can wrap our heart and soul around that. We are overwhelmed with your love.
We adore you, Lord. Amen.