What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

November Targeted Devotional Prayers

Join us for weekly prayers to increase our gratitude and intimacy with The Father.

NUMBERS 6 BLESSING: November 28-December 4

Lord, we ask You to bless us and keep us. We ask You to shine Your face upon us and be gracious to us. Lift up Your countenance upon us and give us peace. Mark us with Your name and Your blessing. 

Thank You that Your ridiculous favor and grace uncomplicates everything in our lives that is currently complicated. Every morning we wake up with a sense of Your joy and pleasure over us. May we be overwhelmed by Your presence and the joy You take in us. We love You Lord and are so thankful for Your blessing on our lives.


In everything we give thanks. Our hearts become vulnerable to Your Goodness as we praise and worship You. Thanksgiving puts our focus on You and creates an environment You love to inhabit. 

We rejoice always and in everything we choose to give You thanks. When we choose to respond to difficult situations with thanksgiving, rejoicing, praise and trust, we turn the tables on the enemy and align ourselves with Your Goodness. 

We practice Thanksgiving with the goal of making it our default position in all opposition. When we step into rejoicing and thanksgiving we experience upgrades in our intimacy with You, in our trust, and in our peace, rest and stillness. Lord, we make a commitment to practice thanksgiving, knowing it's our access point to Your presence.

JESUS NUGGETS DEVOTIONS-Part 3: November 14-20, 2022

Our greatest struggles create pathways to deeper intimacy with You. When we are weary and carrying heavy burdens we come to You and You refresh us because You are our oasis. We invite You to come and dress us in Your favorite thoughts. We allow our minds to be saturated and rooted in how You see us. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist it bow in obedience to You. We protect our mind as a temple built to invite You in. 

We love Your Divine exchange program. You give us the oil of joy instead of discouragement. You give us freedom instead of bondage. You give us the spirit of gladness instead of mourning. Everything You are doing in our life is about our freedom. We turn out great towards You and let go of any thoughts opposing You or Your Kingdom as we allow You to make Divine exchanges.

JESUS NUGGETS DEVOTIONS-Part 2: November 7-13, 2022

We surrender and submit first to You and then we resist the devil who will flee from us. We move our heart closer and closer to You knowing You will come even closer to us. We want to know You in all areas of our lives on the good days and the bad days. 

Your mercy and compassion for us is new every morning. Every morning we get to wake up feeling Your joy over us as we sense Your smile. Every day we start from a place of being absolutely and completely accepted as Your Beloved. We choose to put off any negativity, stress or fear each evening so it isn’t allowed to accumulate. We trust You for good sleep knowing You have new mercies and provision for the day waiting when we awake. 

We do not perform for acceptance because we are already acceptable to You through Jesus. We are simply learning to live in our acceptance. When we live in the truth of our acceptance, peace becomes our constant companion. You will never leave us. You will never lie or forget about us. You will never leave us without comfort or mercy. You never grow weary and You never fail to keep Your promises. We stand on the truth of who You are.

JESUS NUGGETS DEVOTIONS-Part 1: October 31-November 6, 2022

We dwell in Your secret place under Your mighty shadow where we can live deeply connected to Your affection and love. We choose to put all of our focus on being alive to You rather than on our external issues. 

Our desire is to align our thinking with Yours because in every circumstance and situation of our lives, we want to see things the way You see things. We ensure our thoughts are aligned with our core values. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist it bow in obedience to You. 

Holy Spirit, we make a commitment to You today to invite You into thoughts that challenge our faith, hope, trust, joy, destiny or trust in You. We push the pause button and invite You to come into our thought patterns. In You we get to take all negative thoughts captive and turn them into better thoughts. Thank You Jesus for gifting us with Your thoughts that are so much better than ours. We love You Lord.