What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

June Targeted Devotional Prayers

Jump into the summer with these joy filled Holy Spirit led prayers!

Magnification Changes Everything Devotionals - June 26-July 02, 2023

Holy Spirit, teach me to see beyond the natural and into your realm.  Give me your perspective on what is happening in my life.  I know this will turn my fear to joy and defeat to triumph

Help me to always choose to magnify You in all of life.  I know magnification of You will make all my troubles very small.  Sometimes I feel like a grasshopper and my troubles are giants, but really with your perspective, You are the giant and my troubles are the grasshoppers.  Thank you for your perspective.

So Lord, today, I am placing the magnifying glass on you, and as You are the focus all my fears are gone.  Amen.

Prayers of Being with Jesus Devotionals- June 19-25, 2023

Lord, right now in the place of peace, in the place of joy, in the place of pain, or in the place of difficulty and the struggle of circumstances, I pray that Your presence would powerfully touch each of us. 


Draw us into a place of intimacy. Come and touch our hearts, our emotions, and our minds. Take us to a place where your presence so overwhelms us that our circumstances diminish in power. 


Our desire is to be persons who can stand under any pressure, and that no matter what the enemy throws at us, it simply makes us bigger, better, stronger, more fit and ready. Let all opposition in our lives cause us to turn our heart affections towards You, and stand stronger in our presence.

Lord, will you come and imprint Your own heart and character in our lives. Live in us so powerfully that we can be the very model and example of who You are. When people see us, let them know and understand the very nature of who you are.

We want to be just like You, Dad.

Beautiful Words Devotionals - June 12-18, 2023

Lord, because you speak beautiful words to us, our desire is to pass on beautiful words to others.  Let every word be established in grace and love.  Let our mouths be instruments of your love.  We want to encourage others as you encourage us.  Open our hearts to hear your perspective of others so we can see them as you see them.

Thank you for drenching us in your love so much that it soaks those around us.  Let every person see your love in all that we do and say.


We are His Beloved - Devotionals - June 5-11, 2023

Bridegroom Jesus, my mind cannot wrap around the truth that you love me unconditionally, however, my spirit is leaping at this truth. I am quieting my soul and spirit to hear your love for me at the core of my being.  

I count on your ocean of grace you have for me. Your grace overwhelms my weaknesses, faults and chaos. Your waves of peace crash the chaos in my life and brings me to still waters. You restore my soul.

Thank you Lord, that I can see your goodness all around me in the middle of life. You overwhelm me with your love. I am undone. Amen.

His Perspective ~ Devotionals ~ May 29-June 4, 2023

Lord, we take your promises seriously. One promise is that our cheerful heart is healing to both our body and our soul. So choose to be cheerful even in the opposition of life circumstances. You said Your joy is our strength so we know joy must come from you. We trust You to give us the joy and the will to choose cheerfulness.

Another promise you gave us is you would never leave us alone; Your grip on my life is everlasting. So, again I choose to trust that you are right by my side. You go before me and behind me and will not let me go. My faith holds on to you and you alone.

Thank you for your promises. Amen.