What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

March Targeted Devotional Prayers

Spring into this month with devotionals about Jesus' heart and peace!

Abiding Devotionals ~ March 27-April 2, 2023

Lord, as I dwell in Your perfect love, fear is automatically crushed in my life. Thank you for this magnificent provision! Set up encounters with You and Your perfect love that will flood my entire being. Overwhelm me with a sense of Your compassion and Your perfect love. Fear is the opposite of love, so I pray that as perfect love obliterates fear, that You fill me with the power of Shalom.

As I abide in You there is nothing that can touch me, there is nothing that can work against me. Help me to know that I crush things that get in my way, because I am Yours. 


Flood me with the love of my Beloved Jesus, until I experience love so deeply in my heart, and as I stand strong against anything opposing me, I feel Your power rising up within me. I ask for a breakthrough from every assault against my mind. I pray faith will arise within me so profoundly, that I will see beyond the natural circumstances of my life, as you teach me how to see into the realm of the Spirit. 

Holy Spirit, release Your joy and strength in me today. Every place in my life that is under the spirit of depression or discouragement, let Your intoxicating spirit of joy and love invade that area and release a joy that is immeasurable. It’s your fruit, we simply just believe in it, and receive it.

We breathe You in.

Beholding Devotionals ~ March 20-26, 2023

Lord, thank You for your outrageous, unconditional love for me. Thank you for pursuing me at all times of my life. I am overwhelmed with how you love Me. I love Your kindness, Your faithfulness, Your goodness towards me. I love how You never leave me, You are always just a sigh away.

I pray you would release into my heart Your passion for me. Release your passion into my soul. I am hungry to experience your love, because as I experience more and more of your love I am transformed. I am hungry, and I know You always feed hungry people. I have tasted of Your love and it has simply made me want more of you.  

I purposefully turn my heart towards you and I ask that you would increase my awareness of You. Increase my encounters with authentic love. I am basking in your love. There are so many things my heart could cry out for, but this my heart cries out; I want to see You, I want to behold You, and I want to become like you. I simply will not be satisfied with anything less than that. Amen

St Patrick Week Devotionals - March 13-19, 2023

Open your heart gate and lean in to the deeper truths of this prayer.

Awaken me to your presence,

Alert me to your love,

Affirm me in your peace

Open to me your way

Reveal to me your joy

Enfold me in your light

For my heart is ready

Lord, my heart is ready

~by St. Francis

Acknowledging Him Devotionals - March 6-12, 2023

 Lord, I will praise you in the middle of my chaos. You are so faithful. You are so good. I celebrate you. You never leave me; you never forsake me. You never leave. You are the God of abundance and extreme kindness. I thank You for the privilege and honor to bless you and give you praise. 

I choose to lean on You. I put all my weight on my testimony of who You are to Me. I declare, in this circumstance, I trust You! 

Lord, in all my ways I acknowledge You. I invite You into every aspect of my life. I will look for you on my road of life and know you are navigating it.

Help my default to always be trusting You. Amen

Jesus Calls Devotionals - February 27 - March 5, 2023

Jesus, overwhelm me with Your love and Your presence. Let “every part of me is beautiful to You, and there is such beauty in me” move from my spirit to my soul, and flood my whole heart, my whole mind and my whole body.

 Increase my awareness of You, where I know I am Your Beloved! Let me draw so near to You and You to me that there is no separation between us. I want to delight in our nearness in life union.

I will give you thanks and praise until my faith arises above what I can understand or control. It is surely all about You! Amen.