What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

January Targeted Devotional Prayers

Ring in the New Year with our January Crafted Devotional Prayers!

Peace Be Still: January 23-28

Your shalom abides in us and crushes the spirit of chaos. We cherish Your gift of perfect peace that fills us with courage and allows us to hear and receive from the Holy Spirit. In moments of distress You teach us how to access the deep well of Your Spirit You’ve made accessible to us. You train us to draw close to You in moments of chaos and allow Your peace to empower us and strip away anxious negative thoughts. Your peace lifts us to a place the enemy can’t reach. Thank You Jesus for being our Prince of Peace.

We Enter Your Rest: January 16-22

Father we ask as we sense weapons of the enemy aimed at us, You would rise up in our spirit and remind us no weapon formed against us can ever prosper. Help us stand up on the inside and resist the enemy at every point in our life.

Thank You Holy Spirit for teaching us how to abide in Jesus. Abiding in that place of His rest is what expedites our transformation. We choose to practice putting our soul under our spirit by choosing to turn and yield to You in every circumstance.

Your peace, rest and stillness cause us to be calm in the midst of our storms, allowing us to release that calm into our external environment and circumstances. We choose to be diligent and intentionally practice turning away from external pressures and instead yield and surrender to You, the One who will never fail us, not even once.

Living in Rest Devotions: January 9-15, 2023

Holy Spirit, we invite You to remind us that we belong to You and that there is no weapon formed against us that can prosper. We slow everything down and use every external pressure as a vehicle to access Your presence within us. When we are enthroned under the Shadow of Jesus, we are hidden in the strength of God the ‘Most High.’ You are the hope that holds us and the Stronghold who shelters us. You rescue us from every hidden trap of the enemy. 

Rest is our inheritance. Living in Your rest changes our perspective and allows us to look for the Provision You have set aside for this moment. When we live in rest, our thoughts are energized under our spirit and we see everything in the light of possibility because we know You are not only with us, You are working on our behalf.

Devotions of Rest: January 2-8

We are still and know that You are our God. We surrender our anxiety, and choose to be silent as we stop striving so we may experience You. We choose to quiet all the noise and turn towards Your Presence that lives inside of us so we can commune with our Prince of Peace.

We come to You knowing You will give us rest as a tangible expression of Your presence in our life. In rest we feel Your touch, hear Your voice, and experience Your peace that has the power to crush all chaos in our life. Your rest guards our heart and is a sword we wield to destroy anxiety, worry and fear. 

We turn from fear because we know You will rescue us. You have called us by name and we belong to you. When we pass through the deep, stormy sea, we can count on You to be there with us. When we pass through raging rivers, we will not drown. When we walk through persecution like fiery flames, we will not be burned. You walk with us through the highs and the lows, our constant touchstone that will never fail us.