What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

February Targeted Devotional Prayers

Feel the love of Jesus this February with our timely targeted prayers.

Jesus Calls - February 27 - March 5, 2023

Jesus, overwhelm me with Your love and Your presence. Let “every part of me is beautiful to You, and there is such beauty in me” move from my spirit to my soul, and flood my whole heart, my whole mind and my whole body.

 Increase my awareness of You, where I know I am Your Beloved! Let me draw so near to You and You to me that there is no separation between us. I want to delight in our nearness in life union.

I will give you thanks and praise until my faith arises above what I can understand or control. It is surely all about You! Amen.

Life Union with Jesus - Feb 20-26, 2023

You, dear Lord, are my Beloved. I can say this because you have called me, Beloved. I am the extreme object of Your love. I am Your rose, the very theme of Your song. I am overshadowed by Your love. I can hide in it, be warmed by it, thrive in it, rest in it, nestle in and receive all of the love You have for me.

Draw me even closer, where I can hear your heartbeat. My desire is to live in life union with You. I love You.

Practice Thanks - February 13-19, 2023

In everything I give You thanks. In the hard circumstances, I choose to rejoice in You, my God. Sometimes the weight of life is heavy, but I will not be overwhelmed because You are holding me. Embrace me and take me to Your secret place of Your presence. My circumstances diminish in power in Your presence.

I release thanks above, over and beyond my circumstance, and I pray you would unleash the power of supernatural breakthrough that accompanies my thanksgiving. I am grateful, even before I see your hand of provision in my circumstances, I am grateful for I know you are near and a breakthrough is coming!

Joy Devotionals ~ February 6-12, 2023

Lord, I am facing a circumstance that is attempting to steal my joy. I choose to step away from every external event pressing against me, and turn my heart towards You. As I do, I ask You to rise up in my heart, my soul, my mind and my emotions ~ with joy! 

I will abide in your joy and allow your fresh breezes to whisk away anxiety, stress, fear and worry. Send wave after wave of joy over me. I pray the spirit of joy would hit my spirit and cause strength to rise up within me. 

Lord, let Your joy obliterate everything in my path that is attempting to rob me of peace, rest, joy and stillness. Let joy destroy worry and doubt. Lift those things off of me as joy floods my heart and rises up within me.


Hope - devotions for January 30-Feb 5, 2023

Lord, you are consistent in who You are. You are the same yesterday, today and forever, and You do not change. My hope is in who I know You are, not in what is or is not happening right now. This situation is attempting to rob me of hope, but I declare I have faith, hope and trust in you, Jesus.

I am asking for the ‘better thought’ that You have to replace the ‘negative thought’ attempting to invade my inner world. I am aiming my heart towards You. I do know you are going to show up! I am on the edge of my seat, waiting in heightened anticipation for You!

My hope in You keeps me moving forward. Thank you Lord, for hope. Amen.