What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

April Targeted Devotional Prayers

Be filled with Hope and Joy as we kick off this Easter season!

Craving Him Devotions ~ April 24-30, 2023

Lord, help me not ever forget the miracles of kindness you have done for me. There is no one like you. There is no one who cares for us the way you care for us. There is no one who protects us the way you protect us. There is no one who loves us the way you love us. Our hearts are overwhelmed with your goodness, kindness, love and generosity. We choose to abide in you, and hide ourselves in you, because we know you are so incredibly safe.

Help me magnify You more than all the distractions that surround me. 

My heart cries out for You. I long to live with a continuous God-consciousness all throughout my day.   I want my soul to align under my spirit so all of life can be overwhelmed by You. Continually romance me into encounters with Your presence, to the point I am wholly filled and flooded with You.  Amen

Our God from the Psalms ~ Devotions ~ April 17-23, 2023

God, We choose to stay close to You. In that place of closeness, we will not only hear Your voice, but be overwhelmed with Your love, care and strength. You guide us as our extraordinary friend and good shepherd. We choose to be still and know You are God.

You are the God of the sudden breakthrough. Overwhelm our weariness and the weakness with Your presence that strengthens and renews. Release the refreshing waves of Your spirit and move with miracle power in our lives.  

Let new revelation come to us through our new songs that are birthed through encounters with Your overwhelming love for us. Let it explode out of us and express our deepest passion for You!  

Rest; Psalm 23 ~ Devotions ~ April 10-16, 2023

Thank you Lord, for loving me so deeply that You would create at great expense a place of opulence, sumptuousness and rich abundance, where I can rest. It is always available to me and I choose to abide in that place now. 

Your rest is supernatural. Your rest puts to death everything in my life that seeks to rob me of it; things like anxiety, worry, doubt and fear. As I turn my heart towards you, thank you for restoring, reinvigorating, reviving and refreshing my whole being.

Teach me to look beyond the natural circumstances of life and see into the realm of the spirit. As I do, flood my heart with Your peace that surpasses understanding, and let that peace and rest cause me to stand up strong in faith. Even if I don’t understand what’s going on, I trust you. Amen


Father, we thank you for Your incredible love for us. A love that is impossible to articulate. It is a love that is not explainable; but You never asked us to explain it, You only asked us to believe it, receive it and live in it.


As we meditate on Easter we are overwhelmed by Your love. Your love is a love that is absolutely unconditional. There is no hook in Your love. You love because it is who You are. There is no performance in Your love. There is nothing any of us could do to make You love us more, and there is nothing we could do that would cause You to love us less.


So we come into Your presence; in awe. Jesus, You died to give us life, and life abundantly. We come with hearts full of gratitude, thanksgiving and absolute hunger for more. We are presenting ourselves, surrendered to You. We want to be filled up to overflowing with all of Your goodness.

Thank You for giving us access to all You are. Amen

Abiding Devotionals ~ March 27-April 2, 2023

Lord, as I dwell in Your perfect love, fear is automatically crushed in my life. Thank you for this magnificent provision! Set up encounters with You and Your perfect love that will flood my entire being. Overwhelm me with a sense of Your compassion and Your perfect love. Fear is the opposite of love, so I pray that as perfect love obliterates fear, that You fill me with the power of Shalom.

As I abide in You there is nothing that can touch me, there is nothing that can work against me. Help me to know that I crush things that get in my way, because I am Yours. 


Flood me with the love of my Beloved Jesus, until I experience love so deeply in my heart, and as I stand strong against anything opposing me, I feel Your power rising up within me. I ask for a breakthrough from every assault against my mind. I pray faith will arise within me so profoundly, that I will see beyond the natural circumstances of my life, as you teach me how to see into the realm of the Spirit. 

Holy Spirit, release Your joy and strength in me today. Every place in my life that is under the spirit of depression or discouragement, let Your intoxicating spirit of joy and love invade that area and release a joy that is immeasurable. It’s your fruit, we simply just believe in it, and receive it.

We breathe You in.