What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

June Targeted Devotional Prayers

Get fired up this summer with our Holy Spirit focused prayers!

Holy Spirit Joy ~ JUNE 24-30, 2024

Holy Spirit, release joy all over the life of this reader. Let there be a spirit of rejoicing be released over their life; let there be a spirit of intoxication, under the love and joy of the Holy Spirit. Every place in their life that is under the spirit of depression or discouragement, let the intoxicating spirit of the joy and love of God invade that area and release joy that is immeasurable.


Let their hearts rejoice as if they were under the influence of wine, the wine of Holy Spirit. The joy of the Lord is our strength, so Holy Spirit, please come renew us in joy. Let rejoicing be released in and through us. 

Let laughter be such a huge part of our everyday life! Amen.

Holy Spirit Comfort and Courage ~ JUNE 17-23, 2024

Holy Spirit, thank you that you are our Comforter. When we need comfort, you come in such intimate and powerful ways to touch us. So I pray, touch hearts. Touch souls. Release shalom over our minds, and bring us peace. Take each one of us to a place where your presence so overwhelms us and where our circumstances would diminish in power, and where your comfort, Holy Spirit, would be so strong and so profound that each one of us would be lifted above anything that would attempt to rob us of peace. 


Holy Spirit, as we pray, please release your comfort so significantly that it crushes everything in our inner world that opposes it. Help us to sense your comfort so tangibly on the inside of us, and allow us to feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


I thank you that you walk with us through the good and the bad, always encouraging us forward.  With your courage and comfort, I can walk on the mountains and through the valleys of life.  Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Holy Spirit, Help! ~ JUNE 10-16, 2024

Psalm 139:7: Turn my eyes away from looking at worthless things and revive me in your way.  

Holy Spirit, please define in each of our lives, what are those ‘worthless things’ that distract me from you. What are those cares, doubts, fears, worries and concerns that captivate and obsess me?  Reveal the hidden things in my heart.

Action: Take some time this week to go into your secret place with the Lord and hang out with him. Surrender yourself to the Holy Spirit.  Give him all your burdens, cares and concerns, and simply ask the Holy Spirit to take you into the heartbeat of Jesus. Pray this: Lord, captivate me.

Power! Devotions ~ JUNE 3-9, 2024

Holy Spirit, we are a people captured and captivated by you. We thank you that you walk with us through the good and the bad; you are there on the mountain tops and in the valleys, and your commitment to us is always 100%.   

In every circumstance labeled impossible, that we are facing; in every area of our lives where we are not seeing the breakthroughs we have been praying for, hoping for, longing for; in every area of our weakness and failure, where we have tried so hard to overcome, we simply surrender ourselves and all those areas to you.

As we do, would you take us to a place in your heartbeat, and into the presence of Jesus so intimately that his grace, love and mercy would overwhelm us, and in that very moment, all of our circumstances would diminish in power and the comfort of the Lord would be so profound, so powerful that we would be lifted far above those things robbing us of peace.

We invite your power to come and displace our weakness.  We sense your mighty power as surrender all to you.


Who is Holy Spirit? Devotions ~ May 27-June 02, 2024

Holy Spirit, we choose to lean in more and more to you. We choose to make more space in our life for you. We pray for more and more encounters with you where we experience an even greater hunger and passion for your ways. 


We pray that our homes would be full of your presence and that our homes would be a sanctuary where your presence would dwell. We want our families to be full of you, overflowing with your love and grace and joy. Come and transform our hearts and connect with us on ever-increasing levels.

We desire not just to know about you, we desire to intimately know you. Amen.