What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

February Targeted Devotional Prayers

Get enveloped in the love of God during this season.

Thoughts Devotionals ~ February 10-16

Our greatest struggles create pathways to deeper intimacy with you. When we are weary and carrying heavy burdens, we can come to you and you refresh us because you are our oasis. We invite you to come and dress us in your favorite thoughts. We allow our minds to be saturated and rooted in how you see us. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist it bow in obedience to you. We protect our mind as a temple built to invite you in. 

We love your Divine Exchange program. You give us the oil of joy instead of discouragement. You give us freedom instead of bondage. You give us the spirit of gladness instead of mourning. Everything you are doing in our life is about our freedom. We turn our hearts towards you and let go of any thoughts opposing you or your Kingdom as we allow you to make divine exchanges.

Thank you, for all you offer us in that exchange. Amen.

Courage ~ February 3-9

Lord, we invite you to breathe fresh courage into us. Holy Spirit, strengthen us deep within our souls and empower us with the grace to overcome every circumstance we face. We choose to stay in the battle even when it feels like what we’re facing is bigger than us. We declare that where we feel weak, You are making us strong. 

We choose to be strong and of good courage. We will not be afraid or dismayed because you are with us no matter where we are or what we face. You wouldn’t command us to walk without fear unless you had already given us that ability. Your grace enables and empowers us with the courage to overcome every external pressure.

We guard our heart, the wellspring of our life, and choose to live in your courage. When we make this choice to live out of your courage, all the resources of heaven back us up. 

We love you Jesus and are so thankful to walk in courage with you.

Benefits of Trusting in Him ~ January 27-February 2

Lord, May the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround our lives with His super abundance until we radiate with hope. You are our inspiration and fountain of hope. We invite you to fill us to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as we trust in you. We trust in you completely rather than in our own opinions. With all our heart we rely on You to guide us, knowing you will lead us in every decision we make. 

Thank you for rejoicing over us with gladness and singing. For quieting us with your love. We feel safe in your lovingkindness. We rest in your love for us and use that rest as a weapon against the enemy. 

Thank you for our come-alongside friend and helper the Holy Spirit who comforts, strengthens, encourages, trains and develops us. We lay aside our opinions and choose to relax and rest in Your promises. 

We are thankful for your gracious provision in every situation we face. There is nothing that can separate us from your love. We are filled with gratitude. 
