What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

January Targeted Devotional Prayers

Start the New Year with inspiring prayers over you and your family!


Jesus, we acknowledge that the fruits of the Spirit are Yours and we invite You, Holy Spirit, to develop them within us. We choose to love authentically without strings attached. Let our love be an expression of who You are for us Jesus. We invite Your joy to overflow within us. Our joy is not tied to circumstances, it is tied to You. We invite Your peace to grow within us and subdue all external pressures. 

Your fruits grow abundantly in the soil of difficult circumstances when we choose to fix our gaze on You and invite You to come and make us like You. So come Lord Jesus, our soil is rich and we long to be more like You.

HOLY SPIRIT DEVOTIONS Part 2: January 17-23, 2022

Holy Spirit, You are our Hiding Place where the enemy cannot get to us. Wherever there is conflict, there is a table You set before us where we can sit and safely commune with You. You are our Comforter. You overwhelm us with a supernatural comfort that alleviates grief and distress no matter what we are walking through. You are so good at Your job and the quicker we yield to You, the faster You flood our hearts with Your peace. 

You are our Friend, attached to us with affection, providing support, a Person we enjoy being with. It is our goal to live with an on-going engagement, an on-going intimate closeness and friendship with You. Our desire is to know You more and more and more. Open our eyes so we may see You clearer. Open our ears so we can hear You clearer. Draw us near to You Holy Spirit and never let us go. Amen

HOLY SPIRIT DEVOTIONS Part 1: January 10-16, 2022

Holy Spirit, You are in a passionate pursuit of our whole heart. We enthusiastically accept Your invitation to fresh encounters with You. We long to not just know about You, but to intimately experience who You are to us. Come capture our heart in new ways. Open our eyes to see Your perspective and sensitize our ears to Your voice. You were given to us as a Helper and we choose to listen to You over any other voice. 

May we live with a radical consciousness and sensitivity to Your presence inside of us. Increase our awareness of You throughout our day. We invite You into every part of our life and every thought that we have. Make us conscious of every move You make in our life. We are so thankful for You, our Helper and our Friend. Amen

Devotionals January 3-9th, 2022

Father, don’t ever let us forget that with You, we are bigger, better and stronger. We can do nothing outside of Your grace. Your mercies are new every morning and Your grace is sufficient for today. 


We seek deliverance from anything we’ve allowed to come in and crowd out Your Holy Spirit. Set us free today from all those pressures crowding in on us, and from all assaults of circumstances from the enemy. We pray Holy Spirit, that You would release within us, more and more of the rest that Jesus died to give us. Thank You Lord. Amen.

New Year's Devotionals Dec 27, 2021-Jan 2, 2022

Dear Father in Heaven, 

This year is now coming to an end and we will be embarking on a new one. Thank you for your goodness this past year. 

Regardless of the season we were in, whether it was a joyful year or difficult one, your goodness and presence was always evident. 

In the beginning God, you, created the heavens and the earth. 

And Father when you were creating you made time, we have days, nights, weeks, months, seasons and years. 

It is ever changing. 

But the change is a graceful opportunity for something new, like fresh starts, new beginnings, second chances and more growth and development. 

We do not know what this New Year will bring or what it holds for us. 

But what we do know is that you hold us in your hands, that you go before us, walk beside us and stand behind us. 

Holding faithfully to your words we can rest assured that you are with us always, through every day, night, season and also in this New Year. 

Father, as you close the door on this Year and open another into this New Year, we again give you thanks and praises for your countless blessings, your protection, your mercies and grace, and above all these your love. 

We pray all those things continue into this new year. 

We are excited for all the new this new year holds, because whatever it holds you are with us and will work all things out for our good. 

Thank you for the time you give us and may we use that time for your will, your purpose and an opportunity to love and bless others. 

And may we also spend much of that time in intimate moments with you. 

We give you thanks and pray for all these things in Jesus Holy Name, Amen.