What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

February Targeted Devotional Prayers

Add extra love and faith into your day with these crafted prayers!


Father God, we trust in You with all of our heart. We choose to lean on our testimony of who You are rather than our own understanding. We put our hopes in who You are instead of placing them in our circumstances or what we see You doing. 

Holy Spirit, we invite You to upgrade our personal testimony of Jesus. Broaden our experiential knowledge of who He is regardless of our circumstances. 

Jesus, we acknowledge You. We invite You into every part of our lives. We love that You passionately co-labor with us because You enjoy being with us. Thank You for equipping us for warfare with the knowledge that we war from victory because You have triumphed over all. We can’t think of anyone we’d rather have in our corner than You.

Conquering Fear Devotions: February 14-20, 2022

Your love casts out all our fear. Love’s perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts and releases us from torment. We choose to live in the reality of how deeply You love us and allow that love to drive out every other thought. 

When fear assails us, we choose to press into our awareness of Your love. You love outrageously and without reserve. We won’t get bogged down in reactions to the enemy’s assaults. Instead, we choose to live in our internal castle of Your presence where we bask in the love of He who is greater.

We enter into Your rest where we can be still in the knowledge that You are our God.

DEVOTIONS: February 7-13, 2022

Lord, we know You love to hear us. You love walking with us through our day. You love revealing Your nature, character and ways to us. You love when we search Your heart and seek Your mind. You delight in us.

You are able to do more for us, in us and through us, than we could ever imagine. Take the limits off our mind and help us to dream with You. We tune our hearts to dwell on what You have prepared for us. We won’t look back. Our destiny is ahead and You are working all things together for our good. We hold onto your promise that You are creating beauty from our ashes. We believe our best is yet to come.

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT DEVOTIONS PART 2: January 31-February 6, 2022

We invite You Holy Spirit to develop Your fruits in our lives. We invite Your kindness to rise up within us at just the right moment. Make our kindness considerate, tender and compassionate, just like Yours. In Your kindness we choose to speak the truth, wrapped in love and preceded by grace. 

Develop within us a patience that endures. Let us keep our love and passion on for people and situations. We long to see Your goodness, not just where we expect it, but in the nooks and crannies where we least expect goodness to exist. We invite Your goodness to rise up in and through us and incinerate anything and everything about our life that opposes that goodness. 

We want to walk in faith that prevails and we understand that faith grows in the soil of difficult circumstances. Thank You for promising to make beauty out of our ashes, may a prevailing faith rise out of our times of crisis and remind us that there is nothing You can’t bring us out of better than we were before.