What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

September Targeted Devotional Prayers

Dive into a heart posture of praise and gratitude as you meditate on this month's devotionals.

Blessed Devotions ~ September 25-October 1, 2023

Lord, your kingdom is on me, not just for me, but for those in my sphere of influence.  Let me so overflow with your peace and shalom that the spirit of chaos is crushed in those around me.  Let the power of your comforting presence ooze out of me to those who are mourning. 

I declare Your Kingdom come in all of your glory and invade me now!  My hunger and thirst for you is filling me with passion for all of you.  I am opening my heart to you ~ fill me completely.  Amen

His Thoughts Towards Me ~ Devotions ~ September 18-24, 2023

Lord, I am so grateful that you are my help, my keeper and my protector. You guard my heart, and you treasure me. You never leave me or forsake me. You are my oasis, you refresh me and revive me. 

My help always comes from you and I lift my eyes to you. Thank you that you never grow weary, you never lose interest in me, you never leave me or forsake me. Thank you that you are always near and your heart is always full of love for me. 


Benefits of Jesus Devotions ~ September 11-17, 2023

As I remain in life union with you Lord, I am hidden under your shadow, and you watch over me, closely in this secret place.  Each time I find myself facing some type of opposition in my life, seeking to rob me of joy, faith and hope, fill my soul with those strategic keys: surrender, submit, then resist. 

Lord, I am overwhelmed with your love for me. You are the most faithful person I know. Thank you for your indescribable grace and mercy, and thank you that your mercies are new every day. 

Praise Devotions ~ September 4-10, 2023

Lord, I come right now to bless you, worship you, adore you and thank you for who you are. There is no one who loves me the way you love me, and my heart is full of gratitude, thanksgiving and passion towards you. 

I choose to praise you every day. I choose to remember who you are, the God of miracles, and it is my praise that will build the platform for the miraculous. 

Lord, you are good and your mercy endures forever. People from every nation and tongue from generation to generation; we worship you as one, hallelujah! We worship you for who you are. You are good, God.

Jesus Calls You Devotions ~ August 28-September 3, 2023

Jesus, overwhelm this reader with your love, your grace, your mercy, and your presence. Let the words, ‘every part of you is beautiful to me’ be received in their whole heart.   

Release the truth that they truly are the beloved of God, and that he loves to be with them. He is romancing you into encounters with him, because he loves you, he likes you and he wants to always be with you. 

My prayer is that I would fall more and more in love with you. I long to be found hanging out with you; learning to live with you, learning to hear you, learning to be with you, learning to walk with you, learning to listen and be obedient to you. 

I am your beloved and want to let myself be loved by you. Amen