What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

November Targeted Devotional Prayers

Get equipped with hope, joy, peace, and rest with this month’s devotionals!

Laughter Devotions ~ November 27-December 03, 2023

Holy Spirit, I pray you send wave after wave of joy over every person reading these words. The joy of the Lord is our strength. I pray the spirit of joy would hit our spirit and cause strength to rise up within us. Let your joy obliterate everything in our path that is attempting to rob us of peace, rest, joy and stillness. Let joy destroy worry and doubt. Lift those things off of us as joy floods our hearts and rises up within us. 


Lord, I trust You. I believe all things are working together for my good, and as I rest in my trust in you. I embrace the fruit of the Spirit, the fruit of your nature, and know that as I rest in you in this opposition that faces me, and trust in You, I am being conformed into your image. Thank you, amen.

Choose Gratitude Devotions ~ November 20-26, 2023

Holy Spirit, I give thanks in this circumstance I am currently in. I release thanks above, over and beyond my circumstance, and I pray you would unleash the power of supernatural breakthrough that accompanies thanksgiving. 

Lord, there are times I feel the weight of my circumstances as they attempt to overwhelm me, but I am choosing to rejoice and give thanks to you in the midst of this moment. 

I am not thanking you for my circumstances but I am thanking you in the midst of them, because I know all things work together for my good. Please embrace me and take me to the secret place of your presence, where my circumstances diminish in power. Thank you Lord, amen

Overshadowed by His Love Devotions ~ November 13-19, 2023

Lord, I am choosing to make it a habit and a practice to take time throughout the day to lift my heart and voice to you and let you know how much I love you, how much you mean to me. I love you. I worship you. I bless you. There is no one like you. God, you are so good to me. 


Holy Spirit, please overwhelm me with your love, your grace, your mercy, and your presence. Let your words saturate me ~ every part of me is beautiful to you, and that there is beauty in me. Move from my spirit to my soul, and flood my whole heart. Release your joy, your smile and your pleasure over me. Increase my awareness of you, right now. In your presence Lord, let me know, that I know, that I know, I am your beloved!


Benefits of Life Union with Jesus Devotions ~ November 6-12, 2023

There is no weapon formed against me that could ever prosper. Holy Spirit, would you continue to help me to look beyond the natural circumstances of life and see into the realm of the spirit, and then flood my heart with that peace that passes all understanding.  


I know that there is a place in the Spirit set aside for me, and I choose to abide there. It is a place of rest and refreshing in the presence of the one who knows me the best and loves me the most. Right now, I choose to turn my heart of affections to you. Carry me into that wonderful cloud-filled chamber of the presence of my Beloved Jesus. In this place of grace and glory, I thank you that I will experience peace, rest and stillness. I will discover that you are a safe, powerful place, a proven help in times of trouble. You are my refuge and I choose to remain in life-union with you Lord, amen.

Joy Devotions - October 29-November 5, 2023

Lord, I choose joy. I agree with what Paul encourages me to do in Philippians 4, to rejoice! As I rejoice, pick me up and carry me into the presence of my beloved Jesus, the one who lives in joy. Let the fullness of his joy soak and saturate every part of my being. 

In that place of your presence Lord, release your peace to empower me to live a life untroubled and restful. Your peace allows no fear, but only refreshing. I am choosing to abide in your peace. Amen.