What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

June Targeted Devotional Prayers

Need some encouragement? Check out these amazing prayers from June!


Jesus, You are our time and space; without You, we have nothing. We choose to quiet the chaos around us and listen to Your still voice that is always speaking. As we behold You today, we invite You to imprint Yourself on our psyche. We recognize Your presence here with us right now and keep our eyes focused on You. We don’t just glance at You occasionally, we BEHOLD You. We fix our eyes on You and invite You to possess our thoughts, to fill our soul, mind, emotions and will. 

Holy Spirit, you are releasing a fresh anointing for us to experience the power of rest and peace. You are inviting us to abide in Jesus and live in radical Shalom, because our soul is always untroubled when it lives in the shadow of our spirit in Christ. 

Our entire world can be reeling and rocking, but internally we have a place of peace, rest and stillness where we shelter in the storm. As we connect with You, our Prince of Peace, we find our heartbeat slows down to match Your heartbeat, and even though our external atmosphere may experience pressure, internally we are experiencing Your Shalom. 

We love living life with You. Amen

HOPE: June 22-26

Jesus, We hope for what we do not see, and with perseverance, we eagerly await manifestations of Your goodness. We partner with hope and take our eyes off the lack of today to fix our gaze on the hope of tomorrow, because You are GOOD and You are FAITHFUL and Your promises endure forever. We declare: You are a good Father who withholds no good thing from His children. 

Thank You that our dreams are at the forefront of Your mind and You are breathing Your life into them. You are resurrecting old dreams that we laid aside and You are even now breathing life into them and stirring our hope to rise. Thank You for filling our vision with the dreams in Your heart. Thank you for giving feet to our dreams, for fleshing out a vision of what You want to do so that our hope has soil to root down in and grow. 

May we be a people who forever hold our hope as a torch on our journey of destiny. We do this by keeping our eyes on You, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Jesus, we thank You for Your sacrifice. Thank You for holding us before You and enduring the cross so that we could dwell in Your presence. We commit to follow Your footsteps and guard our focus. Today we choose to focus on the joy set before us rather than any lack in the moment. We choose to hold out for our full inheritance rather than settling for a lesser thing. We love You Jesus, thank You that Hope is rising. Amen.

How is Your Soul? - June 15-19

Thank you God for breathing Your life into us. Your breath is oxygen for our souls and Your presence is essential for our ongoing health. We commit to seek and find Your presence today; to turn our face to Yours and let You breathe life into us. Thank you Jesus for giving our souls rest, for giving our minds rest, for giving our emotions rest. We choose to partner with Your rest today as it is key for our souls to thrive in abundance and prosperity. 

You restore our souls Jesus, time and time again, without fail, you restore us to better than before. Today we choose to unplug and take time to enjoy things we love to do. When we feed our souls with your spirit, our souls are happy and our bodies feel good. When we feed our soul with Your presence, even if we step into a stress-filled situation our soul is in a good place, and we are able to respond with Shalom.

Holy Spirit we ask that Your incredible Shalom fall on our hearts and souls. We breathe You in now. Your Shalom is crushing any chaos at war in our mind or emotions. You have released Your Shalom on us and it is consuming our souls and filling us with peace. Your peace like a river is flowing in us now and all worry, stress, and anxiety is leaving. We thank you Lord for prospering our soul and giving us peace. Amen

Faith Week 2 - June 8-12

Jesus, You meet me in my fear and open my eyes to the unseen world where You are quick to work on my behalf. You acknowledge my fears with such kindness. You open my eyes to endless possibilities rooted in Your goodness and Your triumph over all my fears. There are no impossibilities when there is faith and there are no exceptions.

I choose to exchange my lesser faith to experience Your divine breakthrough in my circumstances. I choose to change my language from “I know God CAN do it” to “I know God WILL do it.” I ask for Your gift of faith to supernaturally overcome me and allow me to face anything pressing on my life. I grab hold of the promise in Romans 16:20: ...the God of Peace will soon crush Satan under my feet. My rest is the climate that faith grows in. So Father today I choose to rest in you, knowing my rest reeks violence on the powers of hell. An inferior kingdom cannot stand in the face of my faith.

My faith is not just an abiding faith; it is active. I invite You to open my eyes to what You are doing so I can partner with You and watch Your victory become my victory. My faith is grabbing hold of the Kingdom of Heaven and forcefully and violently bringing it into a collision with this natural one. I grab hold of the faith that is rooted in Your goodness, that supersedes all natural understanding and I declare: I will not let go. In Your name we pray. Amen

Faith Week 1 - June 1-5

Lord, it is my commitment to live in true faith, not denying the existence of anything happening in my life, I simply recognize that it is inferior to the Kingdom of Heaven where You wage war on my behalf. Thank You Jesus that difficulty is the soil in which my faith grows by leaps and bounds. So I embrace this season and I say “grow faith grow!”

Hebrewes 11:1 says “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Thank you Father that faith provides eyes for my heart. Open my eyes Jesus to the unseen realm, to the possibilities yet to be realized and fill my heart with hope.

Romans 10:17: says...faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. I choose to open myself to a deposit of faith from Heaven by opening my ears to hear Your voice right now in this moment. 

I wage war against anything and everything opposing faith and love in my life. The brilliant thing about this battle I’m fighting, is that I’m not fighting FOR victory, I’m fighting FROM victory. You have called us to a good fight, one that we win outrageously. Thank You Lord, for the faith to stand up against anything that the enemy and life throws at me, because I live from a place of victory, towards a place of triumph. Any area that is opposing faith in my life, I declare, I will stand tall in faith and oppose it! Thank you Lord, for growing my faith. Amen