What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

October Targeted Devotional Prayers

We hope you enjoy these prayers from October!

The Psalmist Says: OCTOBER 26-NOVEMBER 1

There are many voices vying for our attention, but we choose to tune into Your voice, to embrace stillness and quiet so that we may hear You clearly. We have set our course, for the remainder of our lives, to know You intimately, to worship You, to adore You, to have an intimate friendship with You. Our heart, mind, soul and body aches for You. We are desperate for You Jesus. 

We celebrate external circumstances as a vehicle to take us to our internal castle of Your presence living inside of us where we are embraced by Your peace, rest and stillness. While our external atmosphere may be fraught with pressure, internally our heartbeat is slowing down to match Yours as we experience Your shalom. We are still and know that You are God. 

We lift You high in praise, our God, our King. We bless You every day, for You are magnificent; You can never be praised enough. Generation after generation stands in awe of Your work; each one tells stories of Your mighty acts. Let everything living bless You from now to eternity.

Psalm 23: OCTOBER 19-25

Lord, You are our best friend and our shepherd who always gives us more than enough. We invite You to be Lord in every area of our lives. Regardless of our circumstances, You always bring us into breakthrough when we remember You are Lord. Your Lordship allows us to stand in the face of adversity and difficult challenges. You offer a resting place for us in Your luxurious love as You lead us to an oasis of peace beside still and restful waters. We turn our heart of affection toward You and lay down in Your sweet, tender embrace. 

As we lay in Your embrace You restore us completely as our spirit, soul and body is filled with Your peace and sustenance. Rest is our best weapon against anything we encounter along our journey. Rest is militant against the negative and is one of Your great gifts to us, giving us the power to say “no” to anything that attempts to rob us of Your peace. 

Lord, even when Your path takes us through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer, for You already have! You remain close to us and lead us through to the other side. Your authority is our strength and peace. The comfort of Your love takes away our fear. We will never be lonely, for You are near to us. Amen

Hope and Expectancy: OCTOBER 12-18

God, You have never made a mistake. You have a perfect record from as far as eternity goes in that direction, all the way through to now, and into the future. You have never, one time made a mistake. We keep our eyes on Your goodness and live in the security of our testimony in You; that You are for us. You are the most faithful person we know. You are relentless in Your faithfulness to us. 

Hope is always a choice. We choose to live in hope. We choose to live in trust, that You are a good God and that You use all things in our lives for good. Hope never disappoints us when we trust Your timing. We do not put our trust in what You are or are not doing. We put our trust in our testimony of who You are: You are faithful, You are good, You are kind, and You are for us. We look at Your promises with the expectancy of Your goodness. Forgive us for limiting You to our own understanding. We will not reduce You to only the prayers and hope that we can understand with our mind. Our hope is in Your goodness and Your perfect record of working all things together for our good. You are the master of our lives. We command our heart to align with Your will. We ask you to wash over us and cleans off all doubt. We thank You for what You are doing, what You have done and what You are yet to do. We thank You that anything can happen!

Releasing Hope: SEPTEMBER 28-OCTOBER 11

Holy Spirit, position us to be a people of authentic faith and hope, so we can actually celebrate the answer before it comes. We return to Your stronghold as prisoners of hope so that we can be refreshed, restored and armed with new strategies to win. We declare that we trust You in any situation where we are devoid of hope. We put all our trust and hope in you, because we know that You release hope to those who need hope. It is hope that causes us to live in faith, that causes us to trust, that causes us to move in the opposite spirit of what circumstances are trying to tell us. Thank You for supernatural hope. 

Father, we choose not to put our head down under pressure. We are committing to You to not choose to live in self-pity in an attempt to manipulate You into soothing our injured pride or soul. We are choosing, in this moment, to lift our head as we build gates for the King of Glory to come in. We are not holding our peace hostage to having to know why this is or is not happening. We trust You. Holy Spirit, release a supernatural courage and strength as we choose to worship You with our head lifted high. Amen