What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

November Targeted Devotional Prayers

Enjoy some targeted prayers for harvest time!

Thanksgiving: NOVEMBER 23-29

We live with a heart full of gratitude and thanksgiving. Our thankfulness is not tied to an event or circumstance, but it is tied to our faith in You. We choose to not only give thanks “for” everything but “in” everything. We choose to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks. Being thankful prior to our miracle sets us up for the miracle.

Like Jesus, with the five loaves of bread and two fish, we thank you for our miracle in seed form knowing that You are more than able to grow our seed in the soil of our thanksgiving to become more than enough to meet all of our needs. We choose to partner with the power of thanksgiving as we watch it open the door and hold it open for miracles to pour through. Thank You God for all You have already done and all You are about to do. We love You.


Jesus, we choose to not just operate in our gifts, but to daily practice the fruits of Your Spirit. We pursue authentic humility, a product of living in awe of You. It is genuine humility that creates a safe environment. We free ourselves from pride-filled opinions that harm unity. We reject any self promotion hidden in our hearts. We partner with You in authentic humility, putting others first. Our goal is to live in harmony with one another and demonstrate affectionate love, sympathy and kindness toward others. 

We are in absolute, on-going, daily dependence on You every moment of our lives. Everything we do comes through You. We give You all of us as we fully immerse ourselves in who You are. We are completely and utterly possessed by the presence of You.

Faith for Today: NOVEMBER 2-15

We are a people of faith who have complete trust and confidence in Jesus and the superior kingdom of God. Our measure of faith has the capacity to grow and grows fastest when we exercise our faith in the midst of trial. It is our commitment to live in true faith, not denying the existence of anything happening in our lives, but choosing to put all our hope and trust in the greater reality, the unseen realm where Your spirit resides. We put our faith in the highest level of truth; Your word is where we anchor our faith. We hang our faith on the words that proceed from Your mouth in real time, recognizing that hearing now is the key to obedience. 

We are in a time where we need to heed Paul’s words well, and fight the good fight of faith. We war against anything that attempts to steal our faith, hope or trust. Our faith is not just an abiding faith, it is active and aggressive by nature. Our faith is focused and purposeful as it grabs hold of the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven and forcefully and violently brings it into collision with this natural one. An inferior kingdom cannot stand against faith. Our language is not, we know God CAN do it, but we know God WILL do it. There are no impossibilities when there is faith and there are no exceptions. We wield our shield of faith as the antidote to fear as we step into Your perfect love which casts out all fear.