What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

December Targeted Devotional Prayers

Check out these humility and Christmas prayers!

Christmas: DECEMBER 28-JANUARY 4

You, Jesus, have been given to us as the Wonderful One, the Extraordinary Strategist, the Mighty God, the Father of Eternity and our Prince of Peace. How great and vast is Your dominion. You bring immeasurable peace and prosperity. Like Mary, we treasure and ponder Your words and Your promises in our heart. We marvel at the wonderful things You have promised and we meditate on them, examining Your word from all angles as a precious gift. 

We embrace faith as the substance of our hope and the evidence of things not seen. Our faith wages war against our fear. Our faith is not the absence of doubt, but the presence of belief.  In the midst of anxiety we anchor ourselves to faith in who You are and what You have said. If faith comes by hearing Your word then we fling wide the ears to our heart. Speak to our hearts Jesus, we are listening with hungry hearts that are ready to receive Heaven’s deposit of faith.


Jesus, we choose to not just operate in our gifts, but to daily practice the fruits of Your Spirit. We pursue authentic humility, a product of living in awe of You. It is genuine humility that creates a safe environment. We free ourselves from pride-filled opinions that harm unity. We reject any self promotion hidden in our hearts. We partner with You in authentic humility, putting others first. Our goal is to live in harmony with one another and demonstrate affectionate love, sympathy and kindness toward others. 

We are in absolute, on-going, daily dependence on You every moment of our lives. Everything we do comes through You. We give You all of us as we fully immerse ourselves in who You are. We are completely and utterly possessed by the presence of You.