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January Targeted Devotional Prayers

Enjoy 2021's first monthly targeted prayers!

Psalm 84: January 18-31, 2021

We command our emotions, our mind and our will to come into alignment with our spirit. We choose to get out of our head and into our spirit. Our bodies ache for Your presence, we long for Your glory. We daydream about being in Your presence and living in deep intimacy with You. We connect with the Spirit of God, who will produce the fruit of the Spirit we need. We protect our soul by tucking it under our spirit. 

Our hearts are on a pilgrimage to intimacy with You. Experiencing the outpouring of the refreshing Spirit of God is the outcome for us, the ones who dwell deeply in Your heart.

 As we walk through valleys of crisis, disappointment, testing and trials, we choose to resist reaction to our external world and turn our heart of affection to You, our Prince of Peace. The moment we choose that, we seed the clouds with thanksgiving and praise, which aligns our heart and soul with the outpouring of the Spirit of refreshing and strength. 

When we are in over our head, You will be there with us. When we are in rough waters, we will not go down. When we’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end because You are our God, our personal God who paid a huge price for us.

Rest Part 1: January 4-10, 2021

Jesus, You are an oasis of refreshing for our soul. We come to You when we are weary, knowing that in You we find rest. We follow Your example and choose to take some time to get away from all the external pressures of life. We slow our heartbeat down to match yours, knowing that doing so will radically shift our perspective. We choose to become more God conscious than anything else. We choose to be like You, and rest.

We choose to come and rest at the well where You are seated. We lay our heavy jars at Your feet and exchange them for water from the well that never runs dry. We live in the prophecy of Isaiah: Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Thank you Jesus for the sweet refreshment of Your spirit. We love You Lord.

Christmas: DECEMBER 28-JANUARY 4

You, Jesus, have been given to us as the Wonderful One, the Extraordinary Strategist, the Mighty God, the Father of Eternity and our Prince of Peace. How great and vast is Your dominion. You bring immeasurable peace and prosperity. Like Mary, we treasure and ponder Your words and Your promises in our heart. We marvel at the wonderful things You have promised and we meditate on them, examining Your word from all angles as a precious gift. 

We embrace faith as the substance of our hope and the evidence of things not seen. Our faith wages war against our fear. Our faith is not the absence of doubt, but the presence of belief.  In the midst of anxiety we anchor ourselves to faith in who You are and what You have said. If faith comes by hearing Your word then we fling wide the ears to our heart. Speak to our hearts Jesus, we are listening with hungry hearts that are ready to receive Heaven’s deposit of faith.