What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

February Targeted Devotional Prayers

Enjoy February's monthly prayers!

Ephesians Devotions: February 22-March 7, 2021

Your love is not just a point of theology but our divine encounter; we are immersed in the heartbeat of a Father who adores us. We begin to live in our truest identity when we start from Your adoration for us. Lord, let it be said of us that we have a tender and unselfish love towards every person we come into contact with. Fill our hearts with the knowledge of Your great love for us until it spills out onto all those around us.

You have called us into the realm of the impossible, and nothing is impossible when we have the right clothes on. We put on the clothes of dunamis power and choose to stand in true biblical hope, the joyful waiting in anticipation for You to strike into our circumstances. Please give us a Spirit of wisdom and revelation, a heart that hears You and understands Your voice. You are our prize and anything we pay is hardly worth comparing with Your glory.

Living the Abundant Life: February 1-21, 2021

Father, we thank You for Your joyful intentionality. No one loves us like You love us. No one understands us like You understand us. It is amazing that You love us so well, that You see us so perfectly. 

You came so that we might have life and have it abundantly. You are our life; we live in Your heartbeat. As we live in the abundance of Your presence, the weight of circumstances falls away. We bring ourselves to a place of peace and allow our physical heartbeat to slow down and match Yours.

It is in intimate strength that You have arranged for us to view life from a higher realm. We come before Your throne of grace and receive all that we need. Our soul is always untroubled when we live in Your shadow.