What does it mean to be a Jesus Christ follower, not just a Christian?

May Targeted Devotional Prayers

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Prayers for May 31-June 6, 2021 - I Want to Take Your Breath Away

Song of Songs 2:13: Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me.


From the Bridegroom to you: Come up higher Beloved. Come up higher. Come to the place of your elevation.  I am the One lifting you up.  I am lifting you to new heights. Let go and allow me to take you there. My indulgence is surrounding you right now. You are the seed of heaven and I am planting you in the soil of My heartfelt indulgence.


I am watering the seed of your heart with passion, and I am releasing within you right now wave after wave of My romantic love.   Allow it to touch you. Allow it to shape your destiny. Allow it to transform your heart. You are My great love and I will deny you nothing. So rise up, My Beloved, and see yourself as the supreme object of my affection.  I have set My heart on you.  Yes, you will be so astonished, overwhelmed and captivated by My radical love for you.  I want to take your breath away.

Prayers for May 17-23, 2021 - Jeremiah 24/7

Jeremiah 24:7: I have put within them a heart to know me. Many years ago the Lord encouraged me to pray this prayer daily for each member of my family, and to declare, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, all the days of our life.


Holy Spirit, connect the hearts of each of our families at a deeper level. Reconnect hearts that are disconnected. God, for our loved ones who are away from us and from You, we say this is the year, the month, the day, the hour, to touch their hearts. 


Holy Spirit, pursue them so they cannot escape the goodness, the mercy and the presence of God. It does not matter how far they have gone or where they are, there is nothing that puts them outside of the blood of Jesus, to set them free and draw them home.


This is the year of unprecedented, unparalleled favor in every home, family and child. 

Prayers for May 10-16, 2021

Beloved, I am drawing you to this place where you fix your eyes only upon Me, where you will trust in Me with all your heart, where you will not lean on your own understanding, but you will put all your security in your testimony of who I am for you.


I have been longing for this day when in the midst of the trials that come before the blessing, that you simply refuse to give up on My love. I am increasing within you, in this season, a courage to trust Me at new levels. I am drawing you to this place where you fix your eyes upon Me and you walk in this place that I have prepared for you in this season, and I have sent My Presence here to strengthen you, encourage you and to renew you

Faith - Anchored in the Unseen: April 26-May 9, 2021

Jesus, we turn our attention to the invisible realm of Your Kingdom that is far superior to our natural realm. We acknowledge our natural existence while having faith for Your reality to become our reality. We are so grateful that we have all the power of Heaven living inside of us. We partner our heart with faith and hope: the joy filled anticipation of You striking through into our situation. 

Holy Spirit, cause faith to rise up and be our response in every intimidating circumstance in our life. There are no impossibilities when there is faith and there are no exceptions. May our faith invade circumstances and situations that have been labeled impossible. We have a passion to see our faith grow and develop in us. Every situation that looks impossible, we choose to aim our faith in that direction and as we do, we will see our faith increase exponentially. Thank You Lord!